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305 North Bartlett Street
Medford, OR, 97501
United States


Rogue Valley's first premier doula agency in Southern Oregon serving pregnant, laboring and postpartum parents in Ashland, Medford, Grants Pass and its surrounding areas in Jackson and Josephine County. 

Martha Rivera Canjura

Martha Rivera Canjura

Currently not accepting clients


With over 13 years of continuous training and experience supporting families during their pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding journey, her mission is to provide professional and compassionate support to all her clients regardless of their birthing and parenting styles.

Martha is the owner and a Certified Labor Doula/Traditional Health Worker - Doula of Rogue Valley Doulas. Through this company, she is creating a professional platform in southern Oregon for Doulas to build successful careers and to advocate for sustainable practices while building bridges with the medical community.

Martha is a board member for the Oregon Doula Association and a consultant for Doulas Latinas International. Locally, she is a member of the Southern Oregon Lactation Association and the Southern Oregon Perinatal Task Force.

Martha is a mother to two girls who keep her and her husband busy! As a family, they enjoy going to the beach, spontaneous drives, and watching movies.